Sage 200

22 August 2009 in Credit Control, Reporting, Sage 200

Sage 200 aged debtors

While Sage 200 includes aged debtor reports as standard, we prefer to work with the aged debtor reports in Excel though, and we prefer to grab the data directly, so that we can manipulate it at will This poss includes a series of ‘SQL Server views’ that together give an…

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25 July 2009 in Sage 200, Sage 50, Sage Line 100

BDE in administration, Sage support alternatives

Sage Business Partner BDE Group went into administration in late May, leaving many clients scrabbling around for alternative support arrangements. Protronics offers Sage 50, Sage Line 100 and Sage 200 support, and will honour the balance of BDE support contracts free of charge.  Please just mention BDE when you contact…

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24 July 2009 in Frustrations, Sage 200, Sage 50

Saas and why it doesn’t matter to Sage

It’s great when you can make a quick decision about whether to bother reading an article.  Even better when the decision making process itself sums up the article! If you’ve got this far, you’re unlikely to be just a user of Sage products.  Far more likely that you’re involved in…

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18 July 2009 in Credit Control, Sage 200

Sage 200 email statements

In these times of carbon footprint awareness, tightened purse strings and an increased need to keep on top of credit control, an obvious – if admittedly small – improvement might be to start using emailed statements rather than posting them. Sage 200 can produce a batch of statements, attaching them…

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Sage 200 retro reports don’t work!.

The problem is that the allocation date, which is set within the top right section of Sage 200’s allocation screens, defaults to the current date.   This is really easy to overlook, and calls to our Sage 200 support team suggest most users are, quite reasonably, unaware of the implications of…

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