Sage 200cloud integration and customisation

Sage 200cloud (now known as Sage 200) is designed for integration and customisation (indeed this is one of the key differences compared to Sage 50).  This was also true of earlier versions known as Sage 200c  and Sage MMS.

What can Sage 200cloud integration and customisation achieve

Short answer, most things.  Long answer, the challenge is to know where to begin, certainly the list includes:

Third party addons

The power and flexibility of Sage 200cloud customisation has resulted in many third party addons.

The advantage of third party addons is that they are off the shelf, and so less expensive than custom software and well proven.  When looking at customisation requirements we always look first at what third party addons are available.

Available third party addons include (among many others):

We also have our own range of Sage 200cloud addons (some replacing standard Sage 200cloud functions with more feature rich equivalents, others adding new capabilities) including:

Bespoke Sage 200cloud customisation

Protronics has all the experience you’re likely to need of: analysis of requirements; process design matched to accounting understanding; writing; and support of bespoke solutions for Sage 200cloud (and all its predecessors, starting with Sage Line 100 in the early 1990s).  We’ve done most things, and more particularly we have an established record of competently doing new things when needed.

Our experience means that any software we create for you will be robust from a process and accounting perspective.  As importantly we’re always happy to discuss the business and IT risks associated with custom projects, so that you can judge when they don’t outweigh the benefits a project will bring.

To take things further, please email or call us and ask to speak to our development team leader.

man using phone

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